How Can I Save on Energy Costs This Summer?
Posted August 1, 2024
Summer is heating up! With the rising temperatures, your energy bill could be burning right through your budget. Keep your cool and save on energy costs this summer with these tips!
Get Grilling
Your oven and stovetop can heat up much more than your food. Take your cooking outside to keep your home cooler.
Time your Chores
Using large appliances, like a washing machine or dishwasher, can add extra heat to your home, especially if you live in a small space. Use these machines after dark, when it’s generally cooler.
Use Appliances Efficiently
- Only wash full loads of laundry. If possible, use cold water.
- Use glass pans in the oven when possible since they retain heat better and can shorten cooking time.
- Only run your dishwasher when it’s full.
- Unplug small and medium-sized appliances when not in use.
Keep your Home Cool
Keep an eye on the temperature outside, and close up the house before it gets hotter outside than it is inside. Shut windows and doors, and close the blinds to block out the sun. In the evening, open the windows again to let in that cool coastal air.
If you have air conditioning, don’t waste any of that cold air! In addition to regular maintenance, ensure you use your AC system as efficiently as possible. Avoid placing lamps or large TV screens near your thermostat, clean your air intake vents regularly, and keep doors and windows closed when running the AC.
Stay cool this summer!
Categories: FinancialAdvice